Neuroscience: Is Facebook Damaging To The Human Brain?

In a technology-driven world, can Facebook negatively affect Cognition?

British Neuroscientist Susan Greenfield, is one of many leading scientists who have suggested negative effects of social media to brain development.  However, she has caused some controversy by suggesting the rise in the use of internet and social media may be related to the rise in Autism.

I point to the increase in autism and I point to internet use. That’s all. Establishing a causal relationship is very hard but there are trends out there that we must think about.

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UK: MoD Discloses UFO Documents

Unidentified Flying Object over England

Thanks to the freedom of information act, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) of the UK has released a new batch of UFO-related documents. These include drawings, interviews, eye witness reports, letters, and even parliamentary questions. However it’s not the first time they’ve done this.

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The Future: Ultra High Definition Display

NHK TV demonstrating the Super Hi Vision display

Ultra HDTV (also known as “Super Hi-Vision” or “Ultra HD”), is an experimental video format conceptualized by the Japanese public broadcasting network, NHK.

An Ultra HD is 4x wider and 4x higher than a normal HDTV screen, which in effect produces a spectacular 7,680 x 4,320 pixels (33,177,600 pixels in total). This is about 16x the pixel resolution than a standard HD screen. However, several health concerns have been raised for this.

In addition to the video quality, the sound quality has improved vastly. 24 channels of audio can be used with 24 speakers, producing a difference comparable to the Ultra HD video resolution. Currenly, only 3 cameras are able to capture video in Ultra HD format for about 20 minutes (4 Terrabytes worth) in a single day. However, it’s wise to remember that the current infrastructure is not designed to cope with Ultra HDTV requirements and in the coming years, many of these current challenges will be addressed.

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